Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's about time!

Just the last few days she has decided that she wants to walk. She also climbs anything low enough to get on. We also learned not to leave little chairs by the couch. Yesterday we found her on the couch with the Wii remote waving it in the air.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Penny = 1 !

My baby was one last Monday. We decided to have a party the Friday before so daddy could be there. The girls and I spent the day decorating and wrapping presents and making a cake. Buying gifts was easy.
Step one: go to garage
Step two: rummage through old toys and select a few
Step three: wash and sanitize
Step four: let girls wrap and present to baby who doesn't
care that her gifts just came from the garage!




is it a regift?

One new toy!( I do have a heart)

Just so you know the cupcakes represent water

Don't you love our decor! Chelsea would be proud!

messy face! we had a great year and are so glad she decided to come down and join us!